Homeopathy is a safe and therapeutic form of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. It is based upon the concept that like treats like which stemmed from the effects he saw on his patients who were getting better from maleria. At the time he was giving his patients an herbal medicine that contained a lot of quinine and he wondered what would happen if he took some of it as a healthy person. He developed mild symptoms that were similar to the symptoms of maleria, such as periodic fever and chills. He concluded that matching a medicine to the disease restores health.
Hahnemann found that by succussing or shaking the remedies while diluting them, that the medicinal effect on the body was maintained while the probability of side effects was decreased. Thus homeopathic remedies are very safe and effective.
Homeopathic medicine is excellent for children because typically it is administered on small sugar pellets. Homeopathy is useful for acute situations, such as: colds, flu, bumps, bruises, stings and swellings as well as chronic health issues. Make an appointment with Dr. Hand today. Call him at 808-392-8774 or email him at doctordarrow@gmail.com.
With Good Health - All is Possible
Dr. Darrow M. Hand, ND
Naturopathic Physician
808-392-8774 — doctordarrow@gmail.com — Newton MA/Honolulu HI
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