What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen is a relaxing physical therapy developed by Tom Bowen in Australia. The treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on the muscles and tendons. The practitioner pauses between moves to allow the body to ‘reset’ or respond.  

As a gentle, relaxing therapy, Bowen can be used on anyone, from new-born infants to the elderly. It benefits a wide range of conditions and can have immediate effects.  Once while Dr. Darrow Hand was hiking through Haleakala, he came upon a woman having an asthmatic attack. She didn’t have her inhaler and asked for help. He performed the Bowen moves for asthma and she was able to hike out of the crater without a problem. 

Bowen is typically used for musculoskeletal issues, but can help with gastrointestinal, gynecological, respiratory and endocrine problems.  Bowen reduces stress, improves joint mobility, increases lymph drainage and aids in toxin elimination.  For more information about Bowen Therapy, contact Dr. Hand or visit Bowtech.

Dr. Hand is a certified Bowen Therapist, Craniosacral Therapist as well as a Naturopathic Physician.  Call Dr. Hand at (808) 392-8774 or email him at doctordarrow@gmail.com.

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Dr. Darrow M. Hand, ND


Naturopathic Physician

808-392-8774      doctordarrow@gmail.com   —    Newton MA/Honolulu HI

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